Doing unimportant things

1. Environmentally sensitive

2. Be sensitive to others

3. Be sensitive in an emergency

4. Be sensitive to speech

A. Environmentally sensitive

- Cleaning the dirty

Cleaning something that looks normal to people (cleaning cobwebs in the corner of the room)

- Dry the wet

Draining spilled water, leaking faucets, leaking tiles, or overflowing water reservoirs when

- Restore the scattered

Putting back things that are not in their place when we get them

- Say hello to those found

One of the signs that someone is environmentally sensitive is greeting those they meet. Greeting isn't just the guest's job. All clerics and students are used to greeting anyone who comes

- Improving myself

Dress appropriately according to the role and needs. clean body, hair neatly combed.

B. Be sensitive to others

Get in the habit of empathizing with others.

- Asking friends who are not present

Empathy and caring can be shown in the form of concern for coworkers or friends who are unable to attend a forum.

- Culture of friendship

SILATURAHMI is able to glue ukhuwah together, increase emotional closeness, and erode individualism. Cultivating mutual understanding and strengthening each other.

- Taahadu Tahaabbu

- Look when sick

- Have fun on special days

- Asking about the family

- Your son is my niece, my wife My wife's best friend


Act appropriately and don't panic during an emergency

- Ignore SOPs in an emergency

- Serve Even though it's not a task

- Report progress

- Record important events

- Discuss and evaluate events

- Leave it to the experts

- Consciousness is better than reflex


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